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Vallibel Finance


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Financial Highlights

Net Profit

Rs. 1,340 Mn.

Net Profit

Growth of Net Profit

-54 %

After tax profit during the year was Rs. 1.34Bn, a 54% decrease compared to previous financial year.

Gross Income

Rs. 16,704 Mn.

Gross Income

Growth of Gross Income

38.4 %

Total Gross income recorded Rs.16.7Bn during the year under review, compared to Rs. 12.06Bn in the previous financial year.

Total Assets

Rs. 82,324 Mn.

Total Assets

Growth of Total Assets

6 %

Growth of Total Assets - Total Assets increased by 4.6 Bn reaching Rs. 82.3Bn as at the end of the financial year, a 6% growth compared to the previous financial year.

Total Deposits

Rs. 49,659 Mn.

Total Deposits

Growth of Total Deposits

21.2 %

As at 31st March 2023, the Company had achived a Rs. 49.66Bn Deposit Base.

Date of incorporation: 5th September 1974 Licensed by the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka under the Finance Business Act No. 42 of 2011 |
Credit Rating : BBB+ (Stable Outlook) by Lanka Rating Agency | Company Reg.No : PB 526/PQ

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